Space Maintainers | Emergency dentist near me

If your child loses a baby tooth prematurely or requires an extraction due to dental decay, space maintainers may be necessary. These dental devices play a crucial role in preserving the proper spacing in your child’s mouth, allowing for the correct eruption of permanent teeth. Without a space maintainer, the remaining teeth can shift, making it difficult for permanent teeth to come in properly.

What Are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are dental devices designed to hold the position of a child’s teeth after a premature tooth loss. When a baby tooth is lost too early—whether due to an accident or decay—the remaining teeth may start to move into the empty space. This can cause problems for the incoming permanent tooth, potentially resulting in misalignment, crowding, or other dental issues. A space maintainer ensures that the surrounding teeth stay in place, giving the permanent tooth the room it needs to emerge correctly.

Types of Space Maintainers

There are several types of space maintainers that your dentist might recommend depending on the specific needs of your child. Some common types include:

  • Fixed Space Maintainers: These are attached to the teeth and cannot be removed by the child. They are typically used for children who are old enough to handle a fixed appliance.
  • Removable Space Maintainers: These can be taken out for cleaning and maintenance. They are ideal for younger children who may need to adjust to wearing the device.

The Importance of Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are vital for preventing future dental problems. If a space maintainer is not used, the adjacent teeth may drift into the open space, causing misalignment. This misalignment can lead to crowding, bite issues, or the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment later on. By maintaining proper space, these devices help ensure that permanent teeth emerge in their correct position, supporting your child’s overall dental development.

When Are Space Maintainers Needed?

Space maintainers are typically recommended if your child loses a baby tooth before the age of 6 or has a tooth extracted due to decay or other dental issues. If you notice your child’s teeth shifting after a premature tooth loss, it’s important to consult with a pediatric dentist as soon as possible to determine if a space maintainer is needed.


Space maintainers are an essential part of maintaining your child’s oral health when a baby tooth is lost early. These devices help prevent the shifting of adjacent teeth and ensure that permanent teeth come in properly. If your child experiences premature tooth loss, contact your dentist to see if a space maintainer is the right solution. Protect your child’s smile and future dental health with this simple yet effective tool.

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